Read current news and developments in the blockchain space
February 1-19 ’17
1. Abu Dhabi
2. Mizuho
3. Land Titles
4. Venezuela
5. Winklevoss
6. Korea
Current price: $1120
1. Make Money Answering Emails With This New App: Startup 21 announced just such a service today. Released in a quiet beta in mid-January and available for iOS and the web (Android to be released soon), the 21 app proclaims in its tagline, “It’s like LinkedIn InMail, except you get paid!” There is one catch, you get paid in Bitcoin. The app integrates with Coinbase to let users cash out seamlessly. So how does it work? Picture someone like Mark Andreessen who has thousands of people trying to contact him outside of his network. Using 21, he can now assign a price, lets say $50 for someone to contact him. Upon receiving an email, he must respond in order to collect the money. Beyond this use case, the implications of such technology are vast. Micropayments could completely get rid of spam if we can attach a minuscule price to each email.
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2. Bitcoin Continues Exponential Growth in 2016 Blockchain Letter, February 2017: Bitcoin has been the top performing currency in the world six of the past seven years. In early January, the price of Bitcoin surged to levels not seen since the massive bubble in 2013. In hindsight, it is clear that the price in 2013 was well ahead of its fundamentals. However, now given the amount of infrastructure development and capital that has gone into the ecosystem, Bitcoin will likely continue to see growth beyond $1,000. With increasing demand and diminishing supply, Pantera Capital has projected a price of $2,288 by years end.
3. Bitcoin in the Philippines: The central bank of the Philippines has released new guidelines for bitcoin exchanges operating in the country. Under guidelines inked on 16th January and published today, “entities” that offer exchange services will be required to apply for a Certificate of Registration. Exchanges will also need to register with the country’s Anti-Money Laundering Council Secretariat, the document shows, and while currently unspecified, exchanges will also be subject to “registration and annual fee services.”
4. Bitcoin Will Be Legal Method of Payment in Japan: Bitcoin will soon be legally recognized as a method of payment in Japan. The bill with provisions for cryptocurrencies has recently passed through the period of public consultation and will enter into force in April. This however, doesn’t mean it will be considered a real currency yet.