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Webinar: Microsoft Azure Advanced Data and Analytics Advanced

DALLAS, TX; September 7th, 2018

Institutions that are leveraging their data are emerging as market leaders. Advanced analytics are helping enterprises gain a competitive advantage and provide more value to their customers. The ability to access these insights begins with the simple step of building the right technology foundation, which will be discussed in the conversation.

On this webinar, you will learn:

  • How to choose the right Microsoft Azure technologies that fit your data ecosystem needs.
  • Reference architectures for ML and Cognitive Services in Azure.
  • The importance of data security and privacy.
  • A practical example of enabling AI and ML at a global financial company leveraging Azure.


About our speaker:                      
Mark Novak has been working with technology and data for more than 20 years and has spent the last three years focused on the helping WorldLink customers enable advanced analytics in the cloud on the Azure platform.


ACERCA DE WORLDLINK NOSOTROS — WorldLink es una empresa de tecnología global que ofrece tres áreas distintas de soluciones: talento, consultoría de datos y análisis y servicios gestionados. Brindamos experiencia inigualable en la materia en nuestras prácticas de Talento, Nube y Datos/Análisis. Además, nuestro enfoque en la estrategia y la visión conduce a relaciones sólidas con nuestra diversa base de clientes. WorldLink cumple con la visión única del cliente en lugar de ofrecer soluciones estándar "listas para usar". Estamos construyendo lo que sigue. Queremos que seas parte de ello.

For more information about WorldLink US, please visit: http://worldlink-us.com/

por Anelcie Andry, directora de marketing

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